Post by njrk97 on Oct 18, 2014 9:03:15 GMT
A gem fusion is the combination of 2 or 3 gems that allows the fusing gems to become much stronger then what they are by themselves.Gem fusion require that the 2 or 3 gem become in sync to allow their bodies to merge.
The 2/3 gems must resonate their gems and bodies. This is usually done through a dance of some variety allowing both gems to show there personality visually but at the same time allows them to correlate to fuse there bodies together.
Gem's fusions take visual aspects from all fusing members, usually a gems colour and build will take priority in the fusion aswell. We will use the fusion between Garnet and Amethyst as a example:
Fusion Gems are able to summon the fused members weapons along with Fusion Weapons.
Fusion Weapons are a fusion of the individuals weapons of each fused Gem. Really the sky is the limit with this, in the show (as seen above) we got gauntlets and a whip combining into a flail like weapons so be creative with your fusion weapons. Remember though discuss it with the other gem/gems your fusing with.
Gem fusions are very powerful so there are some ground with for them
- Fusion must be performed in the thread they are going to be used in (Unless the thread itself is a direct continuation of a previous thread)
- Fusions require a (dance or whatever you want to use to Synchronise) to last 1 post for each member fusing. On the final member 'dancing' post the fusion can be formed/completed. This means that someone can interrupt the 'dance', however when a dance is interrupted it only requires one post to be completed. Basically you need one post for each fusing member and the fusion is formed on the last member's post.
- Fusions can only be maintained for 6 posts (That's six posts that the fusion makes, not four posts in the thread)
- the Fusion can be controlled by one member, all members of the fusion (basically you discuss together a form a post through pm then post it) or a combination of both. What you use is up to the users who are in the fusion
- Fusions allow you to be counted as one level above the highest levelled gem in the fusion. With three fusions it counts as two levels
- Fusion cant come out of nowhere, you must have a training thread with those who are fusing that explains how you are able to sync up
- Only three gems max can be fused at a time (Perma fusions count as a single gem, ascetically though all gems on the Permafusions will appear on the Fusion though, so having three permafusion all with three gems fusing together would make a fusion with 9 gems)