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Plot Overview
This Site will likely have unmarked Spoilers for the entirety of the Steven Universe Franchise, it is recommended that you go watch the show if you have not already before looking around the site.
Note: This Roleplay is an AU to Steven Universe, with its own Story to tell that will deviate from the show. While the show focused on Rose’s Son Steven, The RP instead presents an AU, where Rose started the rebellion conflict in modern day instead of 6000 years ago, and the story focuses on the conflict between the Homeworld loyalists, and Crystal Gem Rebels. For a more detailed timeline please look at Differances Between the Roleplay and the Show
•Within the Show, Rose Quartz Rebelled against Homeworld 6000 years ago. On the Site she waited and only started the rebellion in 2013
•In the Show, Pink Diamond was Shorter then the other Diamonds, and only had a short time commanding her Colony before the rebellion started. On the Site, as Rose Hesitated, Pink has had several thousands of years experience in managing her colony, and additionally is of a height and stature the same as Blue and Yellow Diamond. •In the Show, the Colony was very early in production before the rebellion happened, thus explaining the lack of frequent Gem structures on Earth. In the Roleplay, the Earth has the same amount of Gem structures as the show, buts its because construction on Pink's colony was very slow due to Earth being on the furthest Edge of the Gem empire •In the Show, the Crystal Temple was implied to have been built after the Rebellion, On the Site, its implied to have been retrofitted from a Homeworld Temple structure. |